Sunday, April 17, 2011

//Russia\\ Help //England\\ Me //Ficlet\\

Requested By: CarCarMarie

"[Name]!" England shouted as he came storming through the halls, getting to your bedroom door he threw it open only to flush at what he saw before him. There on the bed, you were hog tied with a very large Russian standing over you, smiling. Turning Russia's smile only widened more.

"Oh, it's only you, da." He said simply as he lifted you up over his back and headed towards the door, where England was standing.

"Wh-What the bloody 'ell do you think you're doing with [Name]!" England shouted trying to block the door, only to be whacked up the side of the head with Russia's pipe. England flew into the wall next to him, letting out a groan as he slid to the floor. You gave a small squeak as you watched it happen.

"I'm taking [Name] home with me, da." Russia stated as he headed for the front door, you still over his shoulder. You gave another small squeak, only to hear Russia's childish laugh.

"Help me."

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